hsk-libs-scripts  270
High Speed Karlsruhe XC878 build scripts
scripts Directory Reference


file  awk2doxygen.awk
 Converts an awk script containing doxygen comments into something the C parser of doxygen can handle.
file  build.awk
 Creates build and link instructions for a given project path.
file  cstrip.awk
 Seperates C instructions into individual lines, streamlining the formatting for parsing in other scripts.
file  dbc.sh
 This script produces a make file with instructions to generate C headers from Vector DBC files.
file  dbc2c.awk
 This script parses Vector CAN DBs (.dbc files), such as can be created using Vector CANdb++.
file  depends.awk
 Creates a list of dependencies for compiling or linking.
file  file2doxygen.awk
 This is a doxygen filter for unsupported scripting languages.
file  filter.sugar.awk
 Filter certain syntactical sugar from C code.
file  overlays.awk
 Finds call tree manipulations for µVision from C files.
file  sdcc.sh
 Parses an sdcc config file.
file  testver.sh
 Implements comparison of version numbers.
file  xml.awk
 This script provides a small command line XML editor.