hsk-libs-scripts  270
High Speed Karlsruhe XC878 build scripts
dbc2c.awk File Reference

This script parses Vector CAN DBs (.dbc files), such as can be created using Vector CANdb++. More...


void filter329 ()
 Initialises globals. More...
void filter439 ()
 Strip DOS line endings and make sure there is a new line symbol at the end of the line, so multiline definitions can be parsed. More...
void error (var no, var msg)
 Prints an error message on stderr and exits. More...
void warn (var msg)
 Prints a warning message on stderr. More...
void debug (var msg)
 Prints a debugging message on stderr. More...
void buffer ()
 Makes sure $0 is not empty. More...
var fetchStr ()
 Special function to fetch a string from the buffer. More...
var fetch (var types)
 Fetch the next token from the input buffer, matching a given type. More...
var whole (var re)
 Returns the expresion with ^ and $ at beginning and end to make ~ match entire strings only. More...
var strip (var str)
 Remove quotes and escapes from strings. More...
var getContext (var str)
 Returns the context type for a string. More...
void getUniqueEnum (var ret, var enum, var val, var desc)
 Generates a unique name for a value table entry. More...
void fsm_discard ()
 Discards buffered symbols until an empty line is encountered. More...
void fsm_ecu ()
 Parse an ECU definition. More...
void fsm_enum ()
 Parse a value table. More...
void fsm_sig_enum ()
 Parse a value table bound to a signal. More...
void fsm_env ()
 Parse an environment variable. More...
void fsm_env_data ()
 Parse the data length count of DATA type environment variables. More...
void fsm_msg ()
 Parse a message definition. More...
void fsm_sig ()
 Parse a signal definition. More...
void fsm_comment ()
 Parse comments. More...
void fsm_attrrange ()
 Parse a custom attribute definition. More...
void fsm_relattrrange ()
 Parse a custom relation attribute definition. More...
void fsm_attrdefault ()
 Parse attribute default value. More...
var fetch_attrval (var attribute)
 Fetches an attribute value of a given type from the read buffer. More...
void fsm_attr ()
 Parse an attribute value. More...
void fsm_relattr ()
 Parse a relation attribute value. More...
void fsm_symbols ()
 Parse the symbol table at the beginning of a .dbc file, bail if unsupported symbols are encountered. More...
void fsm_tx ()
 Gets a list of ECUs that transmit a certain message. More...
void fsm_siggrp ()
 Gets a signal group. More...
void fsm_start ()
 Pick tokens from the input buffer and call the respective parsing functions. More...
void filter1434 ()
 This starts the line wise parsing of the DBC file. More...
var euclid (var a, var b)
 Returns the greatest common divider (GCD). More...
var rationalFmt (var n, var d)
 Returns a compact string representation of a rational number. More...
var rationalN (var val, var base, var precision)
 Returns a rational string representation of a real value. More...
var rationalD (var val, var base, var precision)
 Returns a rational string representation of a real value. More...
var rational (var val, var precision)
 Returns a rational string representation of a real value. More...
var filter (var str, var filters, var template)
 Applies filter chains to a given string. More...
var tpl_line (var data, var line, var template)
 Populates a template line with data. More...
var template (var data, var name)
 Reads a template, substitutes place holders with data from a given array and returns it. More...
void setTypes (var array, var bitpos)
 Set the necessary type to be able to shift something to the given bit. More...
var sigident (var sig)
 Returns a unique signal identifier using the sigident.tpl file. More...
var siggrpident (var sg)
 Returns a unique signal group identifier using the sigident.tpl file. More...
var msgid (var id)
 Generates a printable message id be removing the extended bit. More...
var msgidext (var id)
 Tests a message id for the extended bit. More...
void filter1841 ()
 Print the DBC files to stdout. More...

Detailed Description

This script parses Vector CAN DBs (.dbc files), such as can be created using Vector CANdb++.

A subset of the parsed information is output using a set of templates.

Pipe the input through "iconv -f CP1252" so GNU AWK doesn't choke on non-UTF-8 characters in comments.
Templates are subject to change, which may break the output for your use case. To prevent this retain your own copy of the templates directory and set the TEMPLATES variable. Old templates will continue working, though they might cause deprecation warnings.


The script uses certain environment variables.


Value Effect
0, "" Debugging output is deactivated
1, any string != "" Debugging output to stderr is activated
> 1 Additionally any string read is output


This variable can be used to pass the template directory to the script.

If the LIBPROJDIR environment variable is set it defaults to ${LIBPROJDIR}/scripts/templates.dbc2c, otherwise it defaults to the relative path scripts/templates.dbc2c.


This can be used to define the date string provided to header.tpl.

It defaults to the output of the date command.

Value Tables

Since values in value tables only consist of a number and description, the first word of this description is used as a symbolic name for a given value.

All non-alhpanumeric characters of this first word will be converted to underscores. Redundancies will be resolved by appending the value to the word that signifies the name.

This functionality is implemented in the function getUniqueEnum().


This section describes the templates that are used by the script and the arguments passed to them. Templates are listed in the chronological order of use.

Special Attributes

Some of the arguments provided depend on custom attributes:

Template Argument Attribute Object
sig.tpl start GenSigStartValue Signal
msg.tpl fast GenMsgCycleTimeFast Message
msg.tpl cycle GenMsgCycleTime Message
msg.tpl delay GenMsgDelayTime Message
msg.tpl send GenMsgSendType Message
timeout.tpl timeout GenSigTimeoutTime Relation (ECU to Signal)

These and more attributes are specified by the Vector Interaction Layer.

Inserting Data

Templates are arbitrary text files that are provided with a set of arguments. Arguments have a symbolic name through which they can be used. In the following sections they are called fields, because they are provided to the template() function in an associative array.

Inserting data into a template is simple:


The previous example adds the data in the field name into the file. It can be surrounded by additional context:

    #define <:name:> <:value:>

If name is "FOO_BAR" and value is 1337, this line would be resolved to:

    #define FOO_BAR 1337

It may be desired to reformat some of those values. A number of special filters (see filter()) as well es printf(3) style formatting is available. E.g. name can be converted to camel case and value to hex:

    #define <:name:camel:%-16s:> <:value:%#x:>

The output would look like this:

    #define fooBar           0x539

An important property of templates is that arguments may contain multiple lines. In that case the surrounding text is preserved for every line, which is useful to format multiline text or lists. This can be used to create lists or provide visual sugar around text:

    +----[ <:title:%-50s:> ]----+
    | <:text:%-60s:> |

Output could look like this:

    +----[ Racecar by Matt Brown                              ]----+
    | 'Racecar - Searching for the Limit in Formula SAE'           |
    | is available for download from:                              |
    |     http://www.superfastmatt.com/2011/11/book.html           |

Multi line data is treated as an array of individual lines. Besides descriptions in DBC files multiline data can also originate from lists provided by this script in order to allow describing the relations between ECUs, messages, signals etc..

In some cases it is prudent to print lines conditionally. For that conditionals are provided:


If the reverenced field evaluates to true, the conditional is removed from the line. If it evaluates to false, the entire template line is omitted.


Used once with the following arguments:

Field Type Description
date string The current date
db string[] A list of identifiers for the parsed DBCs


Used for each input file with the following arguments:

Field Type Description
db string An identifier for this input file
file string The file name
comment string[] The comment text for this CANdb
ecu string[] A list of ECUs provided with this file


This template should only contain a single line that produces a unique identifier string for a signal, using the following arguments:

Field Type Description
msg int The message ID
msgname string The message name
sig string The signal name

Signal names are not globally unique, thus an identifier must contain a message reference to avoid name collisions.


Used for each ECU with the following arguments:

Field Type Description
ecu string An identifier for the ECU
comment string[] The comment text for this ECU
db string The input file identifier
txid int[] A list of message IDs belonging to messages sent by this ECU
txname string[] A list of message names sent by this ECU
rx string[] A list of signals received by this ECU
rxid string[] A list of unique signal identifiers received by this ECU


Used for each message with the following arguments:

Field Type Description
msg int The message ID
name string The message name
comment string[] The comment text for this message
sig string[] A list of signal names contained in this message
sigid string[] A list of signal identifiers contained in this message
ecu string The ECU sending this message
ext bool Message ID is extended
dlc int The data length count
cycle int The cycle time of this message
fast int The fast cycle time of this message
delay int The minimum delay time between two transmissions
send string The send type (cyclic, spontaneous etc.)
sgid string[] A list of signal group ids
sgname string[] A list of signal group names


Used for each signal group with the following arguments:

Field Type Description
id string The ID of the signal group (created using sigid.tpl)
name string The name of the signal group
msg int The ID of the message containing this signal group
msgname string The name of the message containing this signal group
sig string[] A list of signals belonging to this signal group
sigid string[] A list of signal identifers belonging to this signal group


Used for each signal with the following arguments:

Field Type Description
name string The signal name
id string The unique signal identifier created with sigid.tpl
comment string[] The comment text for this signal
enum bool Indicates whether this signal has a value table
msg int The ID of the message sending this signal
sgid string[] The signal groups containing this signal
sgname string[] The names of the signal groups containing this signal
ecu string[] A list of the ECUs receiving this signal
intel bool Intel (little endian) style signal
motorola bool Motorola (big endian) style signal
signed bool The signal is signed
sbit int The start bit (meaning depends on endianess)
len int The signal length
start int The initial (default) signal value (raw)
calc16 string[] A rational conversion function (see calc16)
min int The raw minimum value
max int The raw maximum value
off int The raw offset value
getbuf string[] The output of sig_getbuf.tpl
setbuf string[] The output of sig_setbuf.tpl


A rational conversion function for the raw signal value x and formatting factor fmt into a real value as defined by the linear factor and offset in the DBC, this function uses up to 16bit integers.

sig_getbuf.tpl, sig_setbuf.tpl

These templates can be used to construct static byte wise signal getters and setters.

For signed signals sig_getbuf.tpl is first called with the following arguments:

Field Type Description
sign string "-"
byte int The byte containing the most significant bit
align int The position of the most significant bit in the byte
msk int 1
pos int The position in front of the entire read signal
int8 bool Indicates whether an 8 bit integer suffices to contain the signal
int16 bool Indicates whether a 16 bit integer suffices to contain the signal
int32 bool Indicates whether a 32 bit integer suffices to contain the signal

These arguments can be used to duplicate the signed bit and shift it in front.

Both templates are used for each touched signal byte with the following arguments:

Field Type Description
sign string "+"
byte int The signal byte
align int The least significant bit within the byte belonging to the signal
msk int A bit mask to mask the aligned signal bits
pos int The position to shift the resulting bits to
int8 bool Indicates whether an 8 bit integer suffices to address the desired bit
int16 bool Indicates whether a 16 bit integer suffices to address the desired bit
int32 bool Indicates whether a 32 bit integer suffices to address the desired bit

sig_enum.tpl, sig_enumval.tpl

In case a value table is assigned to the signal, sig_enum.tpl is called with all the arguments provided to sig.tpl.

For each entry in the value table sig_enumval.tpl is called with these additional arguments:

Field Type Description
enumval int The value
enumname string The name of the value
comment string[] The comment part of the value description


Used for each timeout with the following arguments:

Field Type Description
ecu string The ECU that times out
sig string The signal that is expected by the ECU
sigid string The unique identifier for the expected signal
timeout int The timeout time
msg int The ID of the CAN message containing the signal
msgname string The name of the CAN message containing the signal


Invoked for every value table with the following arguments:

Field Type Description
enum string The name of the value table
db string The name of the CAN DB this enum was defined in


Invoked for every value defined in a value table. All the template arguments for enum.tpl are available in addition to the following arguments:

Field Type Description
val int The value
name string The symbolic name for the value
comment string[] The comment part of the value description

Function Documentation

§ filter329()

void filter329 ( )

Initialises globals.


§ filter439()

void filter439 ( )

Strip DOS line endings and make sure there is a new line symbol at the end of the line, so multiline definitions can be parsed.

§ error()

void error ( var  no,
var  msg 

Prints an error message on stderr and exits.

noThe number to set errno to
msgThe error message

§ warn()

void warn ( var  msg)

Prints a warning message on stderr.

msgThe message to print

§ debug()

void debug ( var  msg)

Prints a debugging message on stderr.

The debugging message is only printed if DEBUG is set.

msgThe message to print

§ buffer()

void buffer ( )

Makes sure $0 is not empty.

§ fetchStr()

var fetchStr ( )

Special function to fetch a string from the buffer.

This is a special case, because strings may span multiple lines. This function supports strings with up to 256 lines.

The fetched string

§ fetch()

var fetch ( var  types)

Fetch the next token from the input buffer, matching a given type.

typesA regular expression describing the type of data to be fetched
The fetched string of data

§ whole()

var whole ( var  re)

Returns the expresion with ^ and $ at beginning and end to make ~ match entire strings only.

reThe expression to wrap
An expression for matching entire strings

§ strip()

var strip ( var  str)

Remove quotes and escapes from strings.

This function is used by fetchStr().

strThe string to unescape
The litreal string

§ getContext()

var getContext ( var  str)

Returns the context type for a string.

strThe string to interpret
Return values
sigThe context is a signal
msgThe context is a message
ecuThe context is an ECU
envThe context is an environment variable
dbThe context is the DB

§ getUniqueEnum()

void getUniqueEnum ( var  ret,
var  enum,
var  val,
var  desc 

Generates a unique name for a value table entry.


  • obj_enum_count[enum, name] = (int)

Sets the following fields in the given array:

  • name: A unique identifier
  • desc: The description
  • invalid: No valid identifier was in the description (bool)
  • duplicate: The identifier was already in use (bool)
retAn array to return the data set in
enumThe identifier of the value table
valThe value
descThe description string to fetch a name from

§ fsm_discard()

void fsm_discard ( )

Discards buffered symbols until an empty line is encountered.

This is used to skip the list of supported symbols at the beginning of a dbc file.

§ fsm_ecu()

void fsm_ecu ( )

Parse an ECU definition.

Token: BU_


  • * ind_ecu[cnt_ecu++] = ecu
  • * obj_ecu[ecu]
  • * obj_ecu_db[ecu] = FILENAME
  • * obj_db_ecu[FILENAME, p] = ecu

§ fsm_enum()

void fsm_enum ( )

Parse a value table.



  • 1 ind_enum[cnt_enum++] = enum
  • 1 obj_enum_db[enum] = FILENAME
  • * obj_enum_val[enum, i] = val
  • * obj_enum_name[enum, i] = name
  • * obj_enum_desc[enum, i] = desc
  • * obj_enum_invalid[enum, i] = (bool)
  • * obj_enum_duplicate[enum, i] = (bool)

§ fsm_sig_enum()

void fsm_sig_enum ( )

Parse a value table bound to a signal.

Token: VAL_


  • 1 obj_sig_enum[msgid, sig]
  • * obj_sig_enum_val[msgid, sig, i] = val
  • * obj_sig_enum_name[msgid, sig, i] = name
  • * obj_sig_enum_desc[enum, i] = desc
  • * obj_sig_enum_invalid[enum, i] = (bool)
  • * obj_sig_enum_duplicate[enum, i] = (bool)

§ fsm_env()

void fsm_env ( )

Parse an environment variable.

Token: EV_


  • 1 ind_env[cnt_env++] = name
  • 1 obj_env[name] = val
  • 1 obj_env_type[name] = ("INT"|"FLOAT"|"DATA")
  • 1 obj_env_min[name] = (float)
  • 1 obj_env_max[name] = (float)
  • 1 obj_env_unit[name] = (string)

§ fsm_env_data()

void fsm_env_data ( )

Parse the data length count of DATA type environment variables.



  • 1 obj_env_dlc[name] = (int)

§ fsm_msg()

void fsm_msg ( )

Parse a message definition.

Token: BO_


  • 1 ind_msg[cnt_msg++] = id
  • 1 obj_msg_name[id] = name
  • 1 obj_msg_dlc[id] = dlc
  • 1 obj_msg_tx[id] = ecu
  • 1 obj_ecu_tx[ecu, i] = id

§ fsm_sig()

void fsm_sig ( )

Parse a signal definition.

Token: SG_


  • 1 ind_sig[cnt_sig++] = msgid, name
  • 1 obj_sig_name[msgid, name] = name
  • 1 obj_sig_msgid[msgid, name] = msgid
  • 1 obj_sig_multiplexor[msgid, name] = (bool)
  • 1 obj_sig_multiplexed[msgid, name] = (int)
  • 1 obj_sig_sbit[msgid, name] = (uint)
  • 1 obj_sig_len[msgid, name] = (uint)
  • 1 obj_sig_intel[msgid, name] = (bool)
  • 1 obj_sig_signed[msgid, name] = (bool)
  • 1 obj_sig_fac[msgid, name] = (float)
  • 1 obj_sig_off[msgid, name] = (float)
  • 1 obj_sig_min[msgid, name] = (float)
  • 1 obj_sig_max[msgid, name] = (float)
  • 1 obj_sig_unit[msgid, name] = (string)
  • * obj_sig_rx[msgid, name, i] = ecu
  • * obj_ecu_rx[ecu, p] = msgid, name
  • * obj_msg_sig[msgid, p] = msgid, name

§ fsm_comment()

void fsm_comment ( )

Parse comments.

Token: CM_

Creates one of:

  • 1 obj_db_comment[FILENAME]
  • 1 obj_ecu_comment[name]
  • 1 obj_env_comment[name]
  • 1 obj_msg_comment[msgid]
  • 1 obj_sig_comment[msgid, name]

§ fsm_attrrange()

void fsm_attrrange ( )

Parse a custom attribute definition.

Token: BA_DEF_


  • 1 ind_attr[cnt_attr++] = name
  • 1 obj_attr_context[name] = ("sig"|"msg"|"ecu"|"env"|"db")
  • 1 obj_attr_type[name] = ("INT"|"ENUM"|"STRING")
  • ? obj_attr_min[name] = (float)
  • ? obj_attr_max[name] = (float)
  • * obj_attr_enum[name, i] = (string)
  • ? obj_attr_str[name] = (string)

§ fsm_relattrrange()

void fsm_relattrrange ( )

Parse a custom relation attribute definition.

Token: BA_DEF_REL_


  • 1 ind_attr[cnt_attr++] = name
  • 1 obj_attr_context[name] = "rel"
  • 1 obj_attr_from[name] = ("sig"|"msg"|"ecu"|"env"|"db")
  • 1 obj_attr_to[name] = ("sig"|"msg"|"ecu"|"env"|"db")
  • 1 obj_attr_type[name] = ("INT"|"ENUM"|"STRING")
  • ? obj_attr_min[name] = (float)
  • ? obj_attr_max[name] = (float)
  • * obj_attr_enum[name, i] = (string)
  • ? obj_attr_str[name] = (string)

§ fsm_attrdefault()

void fsm_attrdefault ( )

Parse attribute default value.

Token: BA_DEF_DEF_


  • 1 obj_attr_default[name] = value
  • * obj_msg_attr[msgid, name]
  • * obj_sig_attr[msgid, signame, name]
  • * obj_db_attr[FILENAME, name]

§ fetch_attrval()

var fetch_attrval ( var  attribute)

Fetches an attribute value of a given type from the read buffer.

attributeThe attribute type identifier
The value of the chosen type

§ fsm_attr()

void fsm_attr ( )

Parse an attribute value.

Token: BA_

Creates one of:

  • 1 obj_sig_attr[msgid, signame, name] = value
  • 1 obj_msg_attr[msgid, name] = value
  • 1 obj_ecu_attr[ecu, name] = value
  • 1 obj_db_attr[FILENAME, name] = value

§ fsm_relattr()

void fsm_relattr ( )

Parse a relation attribute value.

Token: BA_REL_


  • 1 ind_rel_attr[cnt_rel_attr++] = name, from, to
  • 1 obj_rel_attr[name, from, to] = value
  • 1 obj_rel_attr_name[name, from, to] = name
  • 1 obj_rel_attr_from[name, from, to] = from
  • 1 obj_rel_attr_to[name, from, to] = to

The types of to and from are recorded in:

  • obj_attr_from[name]
  • obj_attr_to[name]

§ fsm_symbols()

void fsm_symbols ( )

Parse the symbol table at the beginning of a .dbc file, bail if unsupported symbols are encountered.

Token: NS_

§ fsm_tx()

void fsm_tx ( )

Gets a list of ECUs that transmit a certain message.

This may appear when several device options are available.

Token: BO_TX_BU_


  • 1 obj_ecu_tx[ecu, i] = msgid

§ fsm_siggrp()

void fsm_siggrp ( )

Gets a signal group.



  • 1 ind_siggrp[cnt_siggrp++] = msgid, name
  • 1 obj_siggrp[msgid, name] = name
  • 1 obj_siggrp_msg[msgid, name] = msgid
  • * obj_siggrp_sig[msgid, name, i] = sig
  • * obj_sig_grp[msgid, sig, p] = msgid, name
  • * obj_msg_grp[msgid, p] = msgid, name

§ fsm_start()

void fsm_start ( )

Pick tokens from the input buffer and call the respective parsing functions.


  • 1 ind_db[cnt_db++] = FILENAME
  • 1 obj_db[FILENAME]

§ filter1434()

void filter1434 ( )

This starts the line wise parsing of the DBC file.

§ euclid()

var euclid ( var  a,
var  b 

Returns the greatest common divider (GCD).

aAn integer
bAn integer
The greatest common divider of a and b

§ rationalFmt()

var rationalFmt ( var  n,
var  d 

Returns a compact string representation of a rational number.

nThe numerator
dThe denominator
The given rational number as a string

§ rationalN()

var rationalN ( var  val,
var  base,
var  precision 

Returns a rational string representation of a real value.

This function builds the value around the numerator.

valThe real value to return as a rational
baseThe logical number base to generate the rational from
precisionThe maximum number of bits for either rational component
A rational string representation of the given value

§ rationalD()

var rationalD ( var  val,
var  base,
var  precision 

Returns a rational string representation of a real value.

This function builds the value around the denominator.

valThe real value to return as a rational
baseThe logical number base to generate the rational from
precisionThe maximum number of bits for either rational component
A rational string representation of the given value

§ rational()

var rational ( var  val,
var  precision 

Returns a rational string representation of a real value.

This uses the different rational*() functions to find a minimal representation of the value.

valThe real value to return as a rational
precisionThe maximum number of bits for either rational component
A rational string representation of the given value

§ filter()

var filter ( var  str,
var  filters,
var  template 

Applies filter chains to a given string.

Filters are a colon separated lists of the following filter commands:

Command Effect
low Convert to lower case
up Convert to upper case
camel Convert to camel case
uncamel Convert camel case to _ separated
%... A printf(3) style format specification
strThe string to apply the filters to
filtersThe list of filters
templateThe name of the current template
The converted string

§ tpl_line()

var tpl_line ( var  data,
var  line,
var  template 

Populates a template line with data.

Multiline data in a template needs to be in its own line.

Lines with empty data fields are removed.

Identifiers in templates have the following shape: "<:" name ":>"

Additionally boolean filters can be installed: "<?" name "?>"

If the variable addressed in the filter evaluetes to true, the filter is removed, otherwise the entire line is removed.

dataThe array containing field data
lineThe line to perform substitutions in
templateThe name of the template this line comes from, this is used to warn about deprecated arguments
The line(s) with performed substitutions

§ template()

var template ( var  data,
var  name 

Reads a template, substitutes place holders with data from a given array and returns it.

dataThe array to take data from
nameThe name of the template file
The filled up template

§ setTypes()

void setTypes ( var  array,
var  bitpos 

Set the necessary type to be able to shift something to the given bit.

Creates the entries int8, int16 and int32 in the given arrays, with the fitting type set to the value 1 and the others to 0.

arrayThe array put the entries into
bitposThe bit that needs to be addressable

§ sigident()

var sigident ( var  sig)

Returns a unique signal identifier using the sigident.tpl file.

Returns an empty string if the template is missing.

sigThe signal reference consisting of message and signal name
A unique signal identifier

§ siggrpident()

var siggrpident ( var  sg)

Returns a unique signal group identifier using the sigident.tpl file.

Returns an empty string if the template is missing.

sgThe signal group reference consisting of message and signal name
A unique signal identifier

§ msgid()

var msgid ( var  id)

Generates a printable message id be removing the extended bit.

idThe message id to return
The message id without the extended bit

§ msgidext()

var msgidext ( var  id)

Tests a message id for the extended bit.

idThe message id to check
Return values
1The message is extended
0The message is not extended

§ filter1841()

void filter1841 ( )

Print the DBC files to stdout.
