C++: Sane Shift Operators

Bitwise shift operators in C++ are wrought with perils. Undefined behaviour awaits those shifting negative integers or shifting too far, shifting by a negative number is implementation defined, which means the compiler cannot just pretend it didn’t happen or format your hard drive, but you still don’t have any guarantees about what exactly you get.


It has been brought to my attention on IRC (thank you Rotluchs), that my code triggers undefined behaviour when the number of bits to shift is -2n-1 (n being the number of bits of the integer type).

The code in this tutorial has been updated to avoid that case.


If you just want to grab the proposed code, go ahead to the TL;DR section.

The Issue by Example

At the moment I am experimenting with implementing fixed precision numbers and a set of trigonometric functions, which requires a fair amount of bit shifting logic, e.g.:

foo << (bar - x)

A deceptively simple bit shift operation.

Let’s say we don’t always know if x is always less then bar:

// foo << (bar - x)
bar >= x ? foo << (bar - x) : foo >> (x - bar);

Eliminate negative shift.

Now let’s assume foo is an int and may be negative, we need to cast foo to unsigned int to achieve defined behaviour:

// foo << (bar - x)
static_cast<int>(bar >= x
                 ? static_cast<unsigned int>(foo) << (bar - x)
                 : static_cast<unsigned int>(foo) >> (x - bar));

Eliminate negative integer shift.

So now we have covered two of the problematic cases, one more to go. Assume x may get very big:

// foo << (bar - x)
static_cast<int>(bar >= x
                 ? static_cast<unsigned int>(foo) << (bar - x)
                 : (x - bar >= sizeof(int) * 8 ? 0
                    : static_cast<unsigned int>(foo) >> (x - bar)));

Eliminate whole integer shift.

Of course the same should be done for great values of bar, but at this point we have seen everything we need to. Our little expression foo << (bar - x), which is fairly simple and completely expresses what we want, has turned into something ugly in deed.

The Proposal

The solution I am offering you is a function named shift() that applies all this sanity code magically:

shift(foo) << (bar - x)

The shift() function makes its argument safely shiftable.

This magical function maintains the expressiveness of the << operator, unlike more obvious solutions like:

lshift(foo, bar - x)

A plain function to shift a value left.

rshift(foo, x - bar)

The equivalent right shift version.

Writing the Code

The idea is to create a wrapper type around integers, that is designed to be eliminated from runtime code by the compiler. To achieve that constexpr functions and construction will be used exclusively. That means all our code must be visible, so the entire code should be implemented within a header file.

Constructing the Wrapper

To get started we define a class shift_wrapper and with its constructor:

template <typename IntT>
class shift_wrapper {
	IntT const value;

	constexpr shift_wrapper(IntT const value) : value{value} {}
	// more to come …

A constructible wrapper type.

The code to instantiate the wrapper looks like this:


Wrapping shift_wrapper around foo.

I promised something a lot more simple and we will take care of this first. By wrapping a function around the construction template argument deduction can be used:

template <typename IntT>
constexpr shift_wrapper<IntT> shift(IntT const value) {
	return {value};

Wrap construction into a function to use template argument deduction.

Now the type can be applied as promised:


Wrapping shift_wrapper around foo, the nice way.

Note that C++17 will permit class template deduction for constructors, which will make this kind of thing obsolete, just rename shift_wrapper to shift and you are set.

Elminating Signedness

Working on signed values is all kinds of trouble, so instead use std::make_unsigned to derive the unsigned version of the given integer type:

#include <type_traits> /* std::make_unsigned */

template <typename IntT>
class shift_wrapper {
	using UIntT = typename std::make_unsigned<IntT>::type;
	UIntT const value;
	constexpr shift_wrapper(IntT const value) :
	    value{static_cast<UIntT>(value)} {}
	// more to come …

Derive UIntT from IntT and convert the given value in the constructor.

Overloading operator << and operator >>

The next step is overloading the operators. The key idea here is to perform the bit shift and return the result as an IntT instead of returning a self-reference. I.e. the wrapper does not stick around, but discards itself after having been used.

Also note that the value member is private, shifting will be the only way of getting the value back out of the wrapper.

Add the operators to the body of shift_wrapper:

constexpr IntT operator <<(int const bits) const {
	return static_cast<IntT>(this->value << bits);

constexpr IntT operator >>(int const bits) const {
	return static_cast<IntT>(this->value >> bits);

Naive implementations of the bit shift operators.

Invalid Shifts

Finally we just need to apply our safety regulations to the number of bits we are shifting.

First we add a bitsof() function that is supposed to be a per bit equivalent to sizeof():

#include <climits>     /* CHAR_BIT */

template <typename T>
constexpr int bitsof() { return sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT; }

The bitsof() function returns the number of bits of a type.

The CHAR_BIT macro contains the number of bits in a char, which is 8 on every platform I have ever used, but not on every platform that has ever been or will ever be, so this is just a little cleaner than writing 8 here.

The cases to handle here are bits < 0 and bits >= bitsof<IntT>():

constexpr IntT operator <<(int const bits) const {
	if (bits >= bitsof<IntT>() || bits <= - bitsof<IntT>()) {
		return 0;
	if (bits < 0) {
		return *this >> (- bits);
	return static_cast<IntT>(this->value << bits);

constexpr IntT operator >>(int const bits) const {
	if (bits >= bitsof<IntT>() || bits <= - bitsof<IntT>()) {
		return 0;
	if (bits < 0) {
		return *this << (- bits);
	return static_cast<IntT>(this->value >> bits);

The final operator implementation.

The above code is valid C++14, but not C++11. Using the ternary ?: operators it can easily be converted though.


Constexpr functions are more or less inline functions on roids. They guarantee that they can be used at compile time, i.e. you can use them in template definitions or static_assert().

They also are implicitly inline functions and on any optimisation level above -O1 all the code should be inlined allowing the compiler to eliminate code based on the properties of the target platform and based on knowledge about the values.

E.g. in my use case the bits to shift depend on template arguments, so the exact values are known at compile time, which will remove all the conditionals and just leave a shift by a fixed number in place or even substitute the whole expression with 0.

Of course this technique of using a temporary type to redefine certain operators has more uses than enforcing well defined behaviour. E.g. you can implement multiple types, realising different behaviours like rotating bit shift etc.. Its use is also very explicit without being overly verbose, so it strikes a fine balance between convenience and not springing any surprises on your fellow coder.

Finally you probably want to wrap this in a namespace and sprinkle some documentation over it. I usually have a hard time moving on to my next task until I have documented the interface I’m leaving behind completely.



#include <type_traits> /* std::make_unsigned */
#include <climits>     /* CHAR_BIT */

template <typename T>
constexpr int bitsof() { return sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT; }

template <typename IntT>
class shift_wrapper {
	using UIntT = typename std::make_unsigned<IntT>::type;
	UIntT const value;

	constexpr shift_wrapper(IntT const value) :
	    value{static_cast<UIntT>(value)} {}

	constexpr IntT operator <<(int const bits) const {
		if (bits >= bitsof<IntT>() || bits <= - bitsof<IntT>()) {
			return 0;
		if (bits < 0) {
			return *this >> (- bits);
		return static_cast<IntT>(this->value << bits);

	constexpr IntT operator >>(int const bits) const {
		if (bits >= bitsof<IntT>() || bits <= - bitsof<IntT>()) {
			return 0;
		if (bits < 0) {
			return *this << (- bits);
		return static_cast<IntT>(this->value >> bits);

template <typename IntT>
constexpr shift_wrapper<IntT> shift(IntT const value) {
	return {value};

A complete implementation.